Forum Overload...

Douglas McMann

Well-Known Member
Been looking through my "bookmarks" over breakfast coffee today...

Is it just me, or are there waaaaaay to many photography forums (or is it fora) out there...

Trimming back here to the bare minimum...:)
i've only really ever been on one... this one. I'm also on a facebook page for the X-T1 but apart from that i get everything here
I'm here whenever I am home and actually also when I'm travelling. On very rare occasions I look at Dpreview. Promised myself though that Pentax forum may see me too as I grow to love that little thing which makes me do photography the DSLR way again. But I am at home just here, no doubt about it.:) I'll come back to the difference of the two systems later.
RPF only for me. (I do look sometimes look at posts on a photography forum called "Ugly Hedgehog" which I subscribed to by E-mail some years ago but I will never be a contributor because of the sniping and remarks.)
RPF is my only fix and has everything I need in terms of finding out any info and opinions from the knowledgeable and/or kind , sharing photos with a constructive response and appreciative feedback, down to earth people to get on with... And most of all, a fantastic community. What more is needed? :)
RPF is my only fix and has everything I need in terms of finding out any info and opinions from the knowledgeable and/or kind , sharing photos with a constructive response and appreciative feedback, down to earth people to get on with... And most of all, a fantastic community. What more is needed? :)

I totally agree Dan...but I've reached RPF through a multitude of others which I am now cutting ties's all here...:-)