Thank you Brian, quite odd in some ways as for the colours , although I saw something at the time , it was a snap to see quite what was there. Did not expect the range of colours. Sad bit, there were lots of fish and tried to get more in, but they kept hiding, even creeping up they'd see me, and go to the bottom.
Thank you Pete. I gave this image some thought about it;s strengths and weaknesses, comming to the conclusion that it is not strong enough to hang on a wall or to view for long, qute ephemeral. Though I quite like the translusant qualiets. Maybe that is it, it is too translucent and can be seen through
True and that for me was it's strongest element, although it all parts play with each other. I do wonder though if it is one of theose images that can give initial hightened stimulation through colour rather than substance. Which vcan be ok I guess.