FP4+ in humble Stockwellanol

Ralph Turner

Well-Known Member
I enjoyed seeing @Chris Bennett's excellent series of Baristanol developed images. Here are a few piccies I took on my Bronny, but developed in my usual, humble commoner's 'Stockwellanol' (Tesco's el-cheapo coffee powder)😏☺️. I've modified the usual delta recipe I use a little, by adding about 10% extra soda. Getting better density. Btw thanks again, Chris, for sharing your fab pics.


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These are great, Ralph. The last one, I find rather compelling.

The significance of the quantity of soda on the density of the negatives is something that I have been grappling with quite a bit of late! I learned some hard lessons with the recent Baristanol work. My current project, where I am using beer instead of coffee, has also led me to a better understanding of the importance of dissolving the stuff properly. All will be revealed in due course!
The whole idea of using coffee to develop film is intriguing but I have to say that I'd be scared that my experimentation would ruin a roll of film. It's not like film only costs a buck a roll (or whatever we paid for it in 1970).
These are great, Ralph. The last one, I find rather compelling.

The significance of the quantity of soda on the density of the negatives is something that I have been grappling with quite a bit of late! I learned some hard lessons with the recent Baristanol work. My current project, where I am using beer instead of coffee, has also led me to a better understanding of the importance of dissolving the stuff properly. All will be revealed in due course!
Thanks, Chris. I look forward to seeing the 'beeranol' results. A while back on 35mmc there was a list of foodstuffs that could potentially be used instead of coffee in an excellent article by Daniel Keating. My jaw dropped at the possibilities. Two items listed, rosemary and thyme we have growing in the garden, so the notion of 'grow your own developer' pops into mind occasionally, though I've yet to pluck up the nerve and determination to experiment..
Thanks Steve. That little flower was quite diminutive (probably less than 10mm across). I was playing around with a +4 dioptre supplementry close-up lensfrom a cheap set of three I bought many moons ago. The 75mm's closest focus is just under 0.6m, so the little screw-on lens came in handy.
Thanks, Chris. I look forward to seeing the 'beeranol' results. A while back on 35mmc there was a list of foodstuffs that could potentially be used instead of coffee in an excellent article by Daniel Keating. My jaw dropped at the possibilities. Two items listed, rosemary and thyme we have growing in the garden, so the notion of 'grow your own developer' pops into mind occasionally, though I've yet to pluck up the nerve and determination to experiment..
I did search out a list of things that contain caffeine acid myself, some time ago and the heavy hitters (those foodstuffs with higher concentrations) do seem to be the common kitchen herbs. Coffee, is in fact, extremely weak. I have had my eye on Mischa's herb border for some time now!
A couple more rolls through my slightly pepped up mix. The 35mm is Kentmere 400, so wasn't sure how it would go (there's no bromide restrainer in this recipe). Seems to have come through ok, maybe a hint of fog but nothing serious. The 120 was complete finger-in-the-wind stuff. Never used Rollei Ortho 25 plus before. Could have done with a little longer in the pot maybe, but seems useable. I look forward to seeing how it renders.


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