
Ahmad Bhai

Well-Known Member
Is there a Gallery feature. If there is i don't know how to access it.
If there isn't is it doable at all.

(I just like looking at everyones photos without commenting,
a gallery would allow me to scroll through ... without opening every thread).
Ahmad - I think that is how the Showcase was supposed to work. You can go to a photographer and view everything they have uploaded there, but not within the other sections. The only problems that I have with it at the moment is that the download button has re-appeared and you can only type so many characters. As I like to tell the story behind an image, it doesn't really work for me. I'm not sure about the others :)
I'm yet to decide what to do about the showcase, the response wasn't entirely positive so I was just seeing how it went
I'm yet to decide what to do about the showcase, the response wasn't entirely positive so I was just seeing how it went
Hamish I was never sure what the show case was about. I presumed yourself or a mod maybe chose the posts to go there. It did come across to me as a place for some of the most interesting images. Maybe I've not read something, which explained what it was for. My fault I realise.
With all do respect Hamish, maybe that's what it should say clearly; Showcase, a place where you put your best pictures. On second thought though, if by clicking on a photographer, all hers or his pictures turn up? Would that be too much to do in stead of the showcase? Just wondering. By the way, where will I find a total list of club members and how many there are?