John Holland

Well-Known Member
In far western China is a city called Leshan. And in Leshan there is a giant Buddha statue. By giant, I mean 233 feet (71 meters) tall carved status that was constructed/built between 713 and 803 (during the Tang Dynasty). It is at the confluence of the Minjiang River and Dadu River. You can make the trek down to the Buddha's feet (and then back up), or you can take a boat ride and see the statue from a distance. I am guessing from the water marks on the sides of the cliff that the rivers flood at some point and "wash Buddha's feet".

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That is impressive, can hardly imagine the amout of work that went into carving it out. The people give a good indication of the scale of it. Love the contrast between the red rock and green vegetation, reminds me of the "Green Man" of European folklore. Well observed.
You almost miss the two smaller carvings either side which would be impressive on thier own if not for the Buddha. A great sense of scale and age.
Thank Dave and Milan. The smaller statues also show the effects of the weather erosion on the carvings. The Buddha is protected by an intricate drainage system in it head/hair that channels the water out to the river. Also at some point, the face and head were painted.