Global Warming

It is nearly mid-December here in England and this was the view from the window this morning. Is it truly the end of days?!

Global Warming-1.jpg

Sony RX100. 1/100s at f1:1.4 at ISO 80. PP in LR, Nik ColorEFEX Pro 4 and Silver EFEX 2.

Warning: This might not be what it seems! ;)
Green grow the rashes, oh…oh dear…

Meanwhile, just to throw in something completely irrelevant (it is a public forum, after all) I had a great dream last night. It started in the local 17th/18th-century graveyard, where I met a woman crying her eyes out. It turned out to be PJ Harvey (an alt-Pop singer, if you don’t know her). To cheer her up I invited her back to our house to taste my wife’s MAGIC mincemeat pies…as you do. PJ really loved them, and became transformed. The next scene had me looking at my online bank account, and discovering that PJ had deposited a MILLION pounds in gratitude. We bought a town house in Jedburgh in the Borders. And so it ended.

Not sure what the second one is revealing, Pete, but I do prefer the original. Nice to know you are still in your salad days…
And there was me thinking that the dream would end with you handing out mince pieces to all the sad and lonely of the world and transforming society into a harmonious and peaceful unity! A new house would be nice though! ;)

The pattern is from ice that formed on the inside windows of the greenhouse. Even though purely two dimensional (I'm looking from the outside in and the ice is on the inside) when you look closer it starts to look like leaves and takes on an amazing 3 dimensional quality that I have emphasised in PP. This is the original image.

Frosted Glass-2.jpg