Goin' Surfin'

Isn't it cheating when the sea slopes towards the shore?! ;)

I like this Brian. It has a slightly gloomy feel to it and I read the little group as being a gang that have forced the poor unfortunate with the board into the see - maybe modern day pirates! And I really like the fine detail on the horizon. You should watch out for those DSPs though. Have you never wondered why he's always one step ahead in the competitions?! ;)
Isn't it cheating when the sea slopes towards the shore?! ;)

I like this Brian. It has a slightly gloomy feel to it and I read the little group as being a gang that have forced the poor unfortunate with the board into the see - maybe modern day pirates! And I really like the fine detail on the horizon. You should watch out for those DSPs though. Have you never wondered why he's always one step ahead in the competitions?! ;)

Och,...I couldnae be bothered fixing the slope, Pete, and I thought that it would give you some squinting practice. :p

The modern day apearance of walking the plank may not be too far a stretch. That group was plenty vocal and constantly shiriking the surfers--shouting out mock praise when one took a plunge and so on. But it was all in good fun, that was obvious.

Its early here yet, Pete. "DSPs"?

Thanks Pete.