Golden Girl..

Garry Lee

Well-Known Member
ZoeSmall  29331.jpg

Evening Light
Coming from a person who is forever posting shots of my girls, I appreciate the sentimentality of these kind of shots.
My girls are very photogenic, their spontaneous characters always generate an exceptional worth of documenting.

This shot is very nicely composed. The hair gives it tremendous amounts of character and self being.
I see that this has been cropped? Not a problem at all though, its shows your on your toes when it comes to precision of framing.

Very good.
Coming from a person who is forever posting shots of my girls, I appreciate the sentimentality of these kind of shots.
My girls are very photogenic, their spontaneous characters always generate an exceptional worth of documenting.

This shot is very nicely composed. The hair gives it tremendous amounts of character and self being.
I see that this has been cropped? Not a problem at all though, its shows your on your toes when it comes to precision of framing.

Very good.
Thanks, Dan, but not cropped. That's the whole frame!
Wow, totally wrong shout by me then.
Still a brilliant shot.

I made that judgement by looking at the bokeh curvature and it seemed to be very much 'right hand' of the shot.
It comes to show that, having a few too many to drink and calling shots like that gets me into trouble. Haha!
But now looking at it properly, My eyes have failed me :( lol

What lens did you use?
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