GPS unit for Geotagging shots

Andy Boardman

Trade Member: Bob Rigby Photographic
Hi all, just got back on here after loosing my link, A BIG thanks to Hamish for putting me right LOL
Just a quick note to let you know I am looking at a GPS unit next week which may be of use to some photographers on here, it will alllow you to geotag all your images & load them into Google etc & share them with others on line.I will have more info after my meeting & let you all know how it goes, it will be much less expensive than the Nikon/Canon units & does not require connection to the camera so battery life is not hammered if out for the day as runs on it's own, also picks up signals far faster than the camera ones & more reliable to I am told.
Speak soon & have a look at the trade bit as we have some shows coming up 24/25 & 26 Sept Liverpool,Stoke on Trent & Harrogate.

PS it is good to be back on here.
Sounds interesting. I have both a Nikon unit and a Jobo one. We used them when doing photographic surveys of heritage sites in Greece and the Czech Republic although, to be honest, their resolution was not quite up to what we really needed and we used the survey data instead. Still it helped us getting Greek amphitheatres muddled up with middle-age Moravian castles. Imagine the confusion that would caused! ;)

I'd be very interested to find out what the resolution of these new units is.
i've used an android app to trace my route and export it to the computer. then on the computer use a sync software to match the time stamp on the route with the time stamp in the photos exif data to pinpoint where the photos were taken. works well, as long as i have a data connection, doesn't work so well when you're hiking in national parks or somewhere else that's pretty far off the beaten path. i've also used a handheld garmin in a similar fashion, but with better results where there's no wireless data. the downside to the garmin is it's something else to carry around in the camera bag.
That's the way the Jobo unit works. Once you have synchronised the time-stamp it adds the geotag to the EXIF data. What I really needed by a sub-metre level of accuracy which these were way beyond but which the geophysics team had - I think they had some sort of license to use military satellites.
Hi Pete, this is not a camera, just a GPS unit itself from what I gather it is very small and is used by skiers to track there routes & then they can watch where they were on Google Earth & it gives them an animation.I will post up more info after the meeting, I belive price is £99.99 here with the software etc.Should be good in the outback as picks up the sattelites no problem I am told so will log where you are.
Hi all I have had the meeting now with the GPS guys & I think it is brilliant ! It will allow you to load pictures in to it's soft ware & will match up the shots via the time code from there it will geo tag them to the relevent shots and you can then up load to Google Earth & it will zoom in & out of wherever you have taken them.For another use, it again is brilliant as if you say have a car/bike & like to go on track days, pop it in your pocket for example & race round all day when you get back load it in the software & it will upload the info & display your elevation,speed,direction etc onto google & you can then run it in google Earth as a 3D animation & for instance if ski ing it will show your runs so no more guessing how far & how fast you went that day it is all there & you can share it.
We should have it athe 3 shows we are running & we hope to have the company at the Stoke show with us so pop along if possible to learn more.
Price is £99.99 INC VAT & DELVERY to UK mainland.
Found it in another thread and posted the link to one of the main local photographic FB groups for the local area it would seem nobody has heard about it. It does make me wonder how its being marketed locally
Hi Dave we are starting to post it on our site & facebook page about now so should be a good day,Pete it is very accurate indeed & I have a bit of info on a sheet for you


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