Rock on, Julian! Fine "portrait" of granite. Does it still work as a defence? Looks a bit broken up.
Thanks Rob.
That's the idea, they break up the granite, I believe it comes from Portugal , although Cornwall is all granite and has quarries two miles away. Very clever people run the world :confused:. It is shipped over and dumped on a beach. A beautiful stretch of beach, that in the sixties for some strange reason got planning permission. Big money has plans to build hundreds of apartments on the beach, this happened just over ten years ago, prior to the big tsunami . anyway they sold lots of apartments, the beach is still a stretch of wonderful sand and sea, they had not told the purchasers that the planning consent was for holiday apartments which means they cannot be occupied for the whole twelve months of the year, but a part of it. So had to give their money back, it is alleged . Post tsunami, as it is a south westerly facing beach, the prevailing wind , Cornwall having a geological fault , people were not as keen to purchase these apartments. Planning changed to included a tsunami sea defence. Hence of to Europe to buy granite ( did I mention there are huge granite quarries up the road, think I did, dont think they wished to support the local economy though ) Any way there is now restrictions of who is allowed on the beach ( it was a local beach to Cornwall's largest town) I am sure once built it will have barriers and guards, there is one lowly paid guard at the moment. I guess the Bentleys and Roll's will soon be parked alongside the apartments and they will not want any local to make their beach look untidy.
Glad it wasn't Norwegian granite. Politicians are like rabits, you never can tell where they jump.
I have not come across that analogy before Ivar. There are one or two genuine politicians, but sadly there are many who are literally sub species and aligning them with our animal life, would be to give them a status they do not deserve. :)