Greetings from Williamsburg, VA

Hai der,

Just joining in the crew. Looks like a comfortable place.

I'm a dyed in the wool Fujista with a X100f, X-Pro2, X-T2, and a plethora of glass (natch).

Retired electro-mechanical engineer, I've been shooting since in college in the mid '70's.

We're fairly recently transplanted to Williamsburg, where we moved to from Reston Virginia (NOVA as they say), but we're originally from New Orleans, leaving not too long after Hurricane Katrina.

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This is a comfortable place. You'll quickly realize that (these days) there are a limited number of participants but that doesn't diminish the quality of the discourse. Can I assume that you came here by way of 35mmc?
I said it in response to another post of yours Christopher, but since this is your formal introductory salutation I'll say it again: Welcome to RPF.
welcome to rpf. i'll be waiting on some colonial era street photography from you.

We've been here 6 months and haven't yet ventured into Colonial Williamsburg.

With the summer season upon us, that's prolly not going to change anytime soon.

The move in is complete (for the most part), so our excuse for not getting out and about has left us...