Greyfriars Kirkyard

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
A famous kirkyard on a beautiful day in Edinburgh. We really are having a blue-sky week. Amazing.

DP1M/SSP/thin black frame in Nik Colour, but nothing else.

The well-to-do of "Classical Edinburgh"...

Grave Line
by RobMacKillop, on Flickr

The graveyard has seen its fair share of religious and political vandalism over the centuries...

Grave Situation
by RobMacKillop, on Flickr

Behind this locked gate is the scene of an appalling moment in the religious wars of the 16th century, when over 100 "Covenanters" (protestants) were jailed in the open air, and fed one slice of bread each day. Many died of starvation, and quite a few were tortured to death. This same crap still goes on in the world today. Somebody had left a bunch of flowers...Not Forgotten...

Not Forgotten
by RobMacKillop, on Flickr

I thought this "Lady Was A Tramp" at first, but on closer inspection, she was an office worker on her lunch break, enjoying the sun and a bit of contemplation...

by RobMacKillop, on Flickr
Superb set Rob. Yes nothing changes much just the methods. Nature of the human beast. Particularly like the second and third, captured some nice light there. Sunny here again as well, tis bootiful and warm.
Cheers, Julian. Got the sharpness thing sorted, and enjoying an almost film-like quality in some shots now. It is interesting that I'm feeling less inclined to do any "arty processing" to the images this camera generates. It really does make me feel I have a 35mm film camera in my hands.
Cheers, Tom. Tourists flock to this graveyard for "Greyfriars Bobby", the dog who would not leave his masters side, even after his master died and was buried here. There is a heartbreaking old film about it. All tosh, of course, but the tourists lap it up.
Thanks, Nick. Like any raw file, it comes out fairly flat, so a little boosting here and there goes a long way. But the detail is there to work from.
Another very nice set Rob and the light at the moment is creating some great shadows. Film-like they most certainly are. Actually it is sunny at the moment here, I am stuck at home feeling not so good (eye problem has kicked off again and the 'emergency' medication makes me feel lousy) so I might wander down to the river with the DP2 to get some fresh air.
Oh, I was just this very morning thinking about your eye problem, and had planned to ask for an update. And here we are. Sorry to hear it is still giving you gyp. Fresh air cures everything, though :)
Great set, Rob. I like numbers one and two very much. In # one the dominant grays give off solemnity despite the blue sky and in # two the damaged portion of the memorial really pops out. I do like what you (and also @Julian de'Courcy) are getting from your Merrills. (Hope to see more from @Pete Askew soon too.)
Thanks, Brian. I think these Merrills have your name written all over them. Hopefully the price will drop in the States soon. It's not often things are cheaper in the UK!