Guinea Fowl Shadow

Still a work in progress but I like some of the effects created here, in particular the texture of the coating and where it has crazed slightly. In contrast to the last shot, I used a black background and lit it with a single focussing spotlight to create a defined shadow while keeping the fine pattern of the feather as visible as possible. There is not much contrast in the positive but the negative looks much better. Having said that, it is not quite what I wanted and I will play further.


Cambo Lengend + Schneider 120mm Super-Symmar f1:5.6. ISO 50, 1/30s at f1:11 onto New55 film. Positive copied using a Sony RX100. Lit by a focussing spot flash and with 3 stops compensation for extension of the bellows.
Wow, I love this! Really. The background/foreground is just as interesting as the feather. The whole thing is really arresting. It almost looks like there is an explosion in progress. Fine image.
That is some heretofore unknown-to-science aquatic creature captured on film some 60 years ago by that famous aquatic Frenchman, Jacque Cousteau! Yes,...that's what it is! :)