Hamish, in one of our posts you said that you weren't sure whether you'd go for SilverFX Pro 2 or ColorFX 4. Well this evening I listened to a 2 hour tutorial / webenar on ColorFX 4. I upgraded the other day and, although I didn't learn a great deal from the tutorial, it was very interesting and made me think more about what I would do if I didn't have the complete suite. So after the tutorial I began to look in more detail at combining the effects in ColorFX 4 to see if I could get to images I liked as much as with SilverFX. By combining B&W conversion, paper toning and film grain you can get some very nice effects and of course save them as recipes to be re-used. OK, you don't have the nice film simulations that you have with SiverFX but with a bit of playing with the colour balance you can achieve some great results. So, if I had to choose, I'd probably go for ColorFX 4.