Pete Askew Admin Apr 13, 2019 #1 Two very impressive murals. They are falling into disrepair now, but are probably the more impressive for that I think. Leica M10 + Leica Summilux 35mm f1:1.4. ISO 200, 1/250, f1:5.6. PP in LR / Nik ColorFX Pro 4.
Two very impressive murals. They are falling into disrepair now, but are probably the more impressive for that I think. Leica M10 + Leica Summilux 35mm f1:1.4. ISO 200, 1/250, f1:5.6. PP in LR / Nik ColorFX Pro 4.
Rob MacKillop Edinburgh Correspondent Apr 14, 2019 #2 Superb! They are great subjects, of course, but your interpretation/rendering of them definitely adds to their somewhat surreal and decaying nature. You definitely get a better class of graffiti round your way than is on show around here!
Superb! They are great subjects, of course, but your interpretation/rendering of them definitely adds to their somewhat surreal and decaying nature. You definitely get a better class of graffiti round your way than is on show around here!
Pete Askew Admin Apr 14, 2019 #3 Thanks, Rob. There were certainly striking and the low evening sun on them was just perfect.
Vic Shaw Senior Member Apr 17, 2019 #6 It was great, I have a few after dinner anecdotes now, but all in all good. I can't remember if I'd posted any pictures from it.
It was great, I have a few after dinner anecdotes now, but all in all good. I can't remember if I'd posted any pictures from it.