Hi From Bolton, Up North.

Paul Cheeseman

Well-Known Member

i am paul cheeseman and i have just joined real photographers forum. i live in the north west of england in a town named `bolton` which is not too far from the tiny village of manchester.

i started taking photographs back in the late 1970`s and carried on until the mid 1980`s when i gave up for a variety of reasons, the main ones being cost and starting a family.

i came back into photography about 14mths ago, i knew diddly squat about anything digital, but i knew i could remember composition, exposure etc, the stuff that has never changed.

my main interest is `street` but i will take anything that catches my eye. my only claim to fame is i was one of the 57,000 hopefuls who sent their images into the BBC last summer hoping to get into the countryfile calender which raises funds for the `children in need` charity here in the uk.
i ended up being one of the very lucky 12 people who made it into the calender for 2014, im next december.

i hope to contribute to this forum over time, and i dearly wish to learn from the other members.

thank you for taking the time to read my post.

Welcome, Paul. I've never heard of either Bolton or Manchester, so suspect you might live over the border in Englandshire? So, they have cameras there too?

Congrats on becoming Miss December :) That's amazing! What an honour. I'll look out for you.
I've never been to Bolton, though i have been to most of the north west at various northern soul nights lol ... welcome Paul, Although i'm scottish i have a fair bits of Lancs time in me having lived in Skem for 8 years
Skelmesdale!?! Wow :/ would never of put you from there Davie..... You have intelligence! ! :D:D
"Sheep skyline" man! Countryphile calendar is one thing Paul, but you can add to the that the accolade of "the photo in the countryphile calendar that Hamish and his missis thought should have won"... and that is prestigious! ;)
That's a great competition to do that well in I think!
Welcome to the forum!
What a warm and generous welcome, I thank you all and look forwards to sifting through all of your images and all the forums.

A special thank you also to Hamish and his missus, its quite funny, but strangely enough, me and my better half thought exactly the same. I have no idea why though.

