Critique Welcomed How I Got Malaria

Beth Carter

Well-Known Member
i had a camera and tripod, a lovely sky, a half way decent foreground and a few minutes to spare. only thing standing between me and a decent photo was the 72 million mosquitoes flying around. most of which bit me.

fuji x-t1 and 10-20mm @ 10mm
135 s exposure, f/4, iso 200

The only thing worse than a mosquito is a damn midgie! (Think invisible schools of microscopic flying piranha!:()

Bonnie image though, Beth! :)
thanks everyone.

That's terrible Beth. How annoying. I trust you are over it all now (I assume this is an old shot?)
However you salvaged a very nice evening/early morning shot.

i was infected on my way to work last night (or night before last at this point). when my boss came in at 6am i tried to tell him i had malaria and needed to go home. but unfortunately we had an impending visit from the president and the state fair opened so i wasn't allowed to leave early. thankfully, the malaria miraculously cleared up as soon as i left the building a few hours later.

The only thing worse than a mosquito is a damn midgie! (Think invisible schools of microscopic flying piranha!:()

Bonnie image though, Beth! :)
we have them here too, but we call them coworkers.