I Hate Spiders

Darren Turner

never seen anything like this before............. THANK GOODNESS


spotted on a web in-between to branches of a bush in our garden. this ball of baby spiders must be no larger than a marble

Filmed on Canon EOS7D with macro extension tubes, thus narrow plane of field & focus.

Dont wanna see anything like this again either LOL

Now, it's not generally known but the Assassin Spider plans it's attacks in a similar way to bees. One returns to the roost having identified a suitable, arachnophobic target and train the others in the pack of the location. Then, come darkness, they attack en masse. Of course, living in modern dwellings we have little to fear these days...

Boby Cross spiders - cool!

(Well - maybe just a little annoyed)
Nice find Daz, but you really are a big wuss when it comes to the natural world !!! ..... LOL!
your so right Glen, gotta admit i am trying though :D
