I provide Hi-End Fashion/Beauty Retouching Service.

Kleo Morgan

New Member
I provide Hi-End Fashion/Beauty Retouching Service.
Using NON-destructive methods, preserving skin texture, giving photos a Magazine Cover Look.
NOT using filters (e.g. Portraiture/NicSoft's/OnOne etc.)

My portfolio with before/afters (mouse over image to see before)
Kleo Morgan :: photo retoucher

Recently I'm looking for ProPhotographer/Studio to cooperate with.
You may contact me for any further details using my site's contact form or via e-mail: kleoshot@gmail.com
Hi Kleo,
Could you pop in to the welcome section and introduce your self as an individual
Im fairly happy for this add to stand but we would normally expect people to tell us a bit more about them selves before they start advertising their services!
Are you a photographer as well as retoucher?