I was debating posting this in the Animals & Wildlife category...

Great shot mate ... Out of how many shots was this the good one?
Id quite like to see it in colour to be honest...
But that aside, really like it, perfect movement and what not eh?
This was the best of about a six-shot burst. Shooting indoors in these dark kids' party centers with their awful flourescent lighting is always a challenge. I converted to B&W because there was already so much going on, the colors were distracting. Plus, it was either that or mess with the WB :-).
Ill tell you what i often do in horrible white balance situations ...
de-saturate to the point that the colours become less horrible.
I then add a split tone to the highlights in lightroom that is toward the red side of sepia - skin tone basically... basically makes peoples faces look less desaturated
Its a little like dropping the "vibrance" but gives a more unusual look ...
does that make any sense??