If You Go Down To The Woods Today

Thanks, Pete. It's all too much to take in, both my eye and the camera's eye. But there's a definite drama there worth contemplating and documenting.

I'm beginning to think I like the last one most of all.
1 and 3 for me I think. The fence line rising to meet the bridge in 1 is very appealing and the way the trees have framed bridge in 3 as well as how the angles of the branches compliment the angles of the trusses on the bridge. I like number 5 also injured rabbit:rolleyes: but I think it would benefit from some definition of the bridge support structure. Nice set, Rob!
Not getting the wounded rabbit connection,
:D:D That's funny. I was having an on-line discussion with someone a few weeks ago about favorite films. (Until now I was convinced that someone was you.) Me and that mysterious other shared an appreciation of the Bill Forsythe film Local Hero, in which there is a line, a memorable non-sequitur actually, "We have an injured rabbit, also." Ever since the first time I saw the film, must be 30 years ago, each time I hear, think of or say the word "also" I think of that line! I mentioned this to the person with whom I was corresponding and his response was "You too?" Like I said, I thought that other person was you Rob. :D:D
Wow, what a fine set! I particularly like no.3, the trees look really solid, the bridge almost etherial. That is a striking effect.