Critique Welcomed I'll let your imagination take you...

Glenn Clabo

Well-Known Member
What's happening in this mans life to cause him to sit in front of the Boston Library on the phone for a very long time...

That is something I can identify with. Usually I don't sit idle for long and have to be doing something. On holidays I can manage to sit by the pool for about a day at most and then it starts to drive me mad. However, every now and again I get the urge just to sit somewhere with a cup of tea and just watch the world go by.

I also quite like the way the horizontal lines at the bottom slope slightly to the right. They seem to balance the image but I can't really explain why.
Glenn, this is a perfect "less is more" image with its striking tonality and panoramic format. The complimenting size of stone work as the background in relation to the man reinforces the story about the man with his phone and his tea-cup. :)