Impossible Walk Part 2

A few more, now they've had time to 'cook' longer.

Despite the lack of focus (the SX-70 has a mind of its own!), I still like the patterns formed here. And it seems to have acquired a slightly sinister look.


The later afternoon light through the leaves drew me to this but there is only the ghost of that in this.


Two shots of my favourite gravestones in the graveyard of St Mary's, Greywell. I like what the flare and light bleeds have produced here.



Afternoon sun causing the boughs of the silver birches to glow against the dark trees behind. I have taken many shots of these over time, but this is the first with instant film. I think this has more potential yet and will revisit it when it has finished 'maturing'.


The star of the afternoon's trip. Shimmering autumn light and distorted reflections on the River Whitewater.

Finally got to this lot. The second and third are my favs. The tree reaching out to the grave is really atmospheric. Bela Lugosi is not far off :eek:

The light through the leaves does have a special shimmer. The shimmer appears again in the last, but I prefer the edit you posted elsewhere.

A great bunch of instants, Pete.
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Agree with Rob. Lovely stuff, Pete. The instant and the OOF and of course the choice of subjects make for images that sure convey a atmospheric dreaminess. The grave stone close up is especially cool.
Love these Pete (didn't call ya Pet Then ya notice mind) and don't mind the OOF, that first really puts me in mind of some of the American Folk Lore Ghost story type images....
Pete,...your post got me wondering about methods of display for Polaroid images. I don't fancy hanging them by a string with clothes pegs. I guess just a simple frame is best but I wonder if there are any nice unique methods? Any idea, Pedro?
Impossible sell albums that you slot the images in. Nice and plain. I quite just handling and looking at them though. Years ago I saw the Ralph Steadman exhibition of manipulated SX-70 images. Just in plain frames with lots of space around. You needed to get quite close to appreciate them but it was very effective.