Critique Welcomed Judges

Brian Moore

My daughter Meg is in her senior year of high school. She is a dancer and choreographer. We recently attended a dance in which two of Meg's pieces were being performed. The dances were being judged for possible inclusion in a larger dance event coming up in the Summer. Here is a picture of the judges. They were seated to my right. They are illuminated by the light of the lap desks they used to see their scoring cards.

Olympus XA3 and Fuji 200 film.

Good perspective from such an arena Brian and very studious looking judges. Always a little fraught when interpretation and taste can enter into the judgement. Hope Meg did well or does well if you do not already know the outcome.
Good perspective from such an arena Brian and very studious looking judges. Always a little fraught when interpretation and taste can enter into the judgement. Hope Meg did well or does well if you do not already know the outcome.
Thanks Julian. (One of her dances was selected for the bigger event.)
excellent Brian so pleased for her and your good self and all the best with the big event.
Much appreciated, Julian. She'll be off to Seattle in September where she'll major in Dance at Cornish College of the Arts. Very proud of her. (She may never make millions in her chosen career field, but she is passionate about dance and choreography and so with luck she'll always be happy.)
More power to her! More people need to follow their dreams, not slot into someone else's nightmare.

I love this image, Brian. Such intense concentration!
Total agreement, Rob! I've always felt that one of my responsibilities as a parent was to help my children find their path in life. I figure if I've done that I will have been something of a successful parent.
I would not comment so much on the image as making an image under circumstances as that, is very difficult. But I would like to ad that when a young one pursues her conviction, her passion, being happy as she does and succeeds with her goals, what more can you ask for. I am glad for her Brian as well as the proud father. Congratulations to her and a one to the parents.:)
I would not comment so much on the image as making an image under circumstances as that, is very difficult. But I would like to ad that when a young one pursues her conviction, her passion, being happy as she does and succeeds with her goals, what more can you ask for. I am glad for her Brian as well as the proud father. Congratulations to her and a one to the parents.:)
Thank you Ivar. Much appreciated.:)