
Brian Moore

The title was supposed to be "Killarney's Bouncers" but I accidentally pressed something on my trackpad and the title as you see it above was cast.

Killarney's is a bar on Main Street in Huntington Beach. I've never been in it. But I will be someday soon, probably mid-June, because I have discovered they show fitba matches on the telly. (Fitba is my other passion, by the way.) I'm sure I'll enjoy a few brews and a Euro game or two within the next few weeks.

The first two images I took with my Canon Snappy 35 P&S which had Arista EDU 400 film in it. The third I took with my XA and Kodak Ultramax 400 film.



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They seem a nice couple of lads!! Was it crochet night?!! The first is my favourite of the three due to the smile emerging from the flare. Excellent.
I think it may have been the Bridge Club, Pete! :D Charming lads; salt of the Earth! Thanks a lot, Pete. I'm partial to the one with flare also.