Lakeside Pentax

Paul Taylor

Well-Known Member

Took my large format, medium format and digital up to Roosevelt lake yesterday, snapped a pic (with my Lumix G9) of the 645 relaxing.
Based on my experience with the Perkeo 2 last week, my 645 maybe relaxing for a long while. I'll need to see the results from the Rowena Crest Perkeo shots (film still in camera). My first outing with my first 645 resulted in a number of blurred and missed focus shots. The most recent set were all shot on a tripod with a cable release which makes an outing with the 645 much more intentional. Perhaps that's what I need? In any event, I have more 120 film to shoot so we'll certainly see more from both.

Based on your variety of cameras, what do you think you're shooting most these days? LF, MF or digital?
Based on my experience with the Perkeo 2 last week, my 645 maybe relaxing for a long while. I'll need to see the results from the Rowena Crest Perkeo shots (film still in camera). My first outing with my first 645 resulted in a number of blurred and missed focus shots. The most recent set were all shot on a tripod with a cable release which makes an outing with the 645 much more intentional. Perhaps that's what I need? In any event, I have more 120 film to shoot so we'll certainly see more from both.

Based on your variety of cameras, what do you think you're shooting most these days? LF, MF or digital?

Medium Format probably gets the win, second is Digital, then 35mm, and 4x5.

Medium format (6x4.5 , 6x6) is the sweet spot for me as far as how many pics per roll. 35MM starts to feel like a chore lol. I also like developing 120 better, it is easier when it comes to getting it on the spools IMO.
I use Jobo tanks/reels, and a Adorama film changing desktop sized tent. I can probably load 3 rolls of 120 in the same time as one roll of 35mm.
I’ll have to have a look at the Jobo tanks and reels. My experience is probably 3 to 1 also, but the opposite way. (Patterson reels.)