
Thanks, Julian. Yes, I've entered that competition twice now, but might not bother this time. It costs money to enter, and I never really like the style of shot they choose as the winner. But that doesn't stop me visiting the place at least once a week.
What a shop Rob and what a window display. Now I really want to venture inside and take in the inevitable beautiful smells of all the oils. This sets the imagination rolling.
You know, Tom, I've passed 100 times, and never once seen it open. I'm beginning to think it is an art installation! I'd love to go inside.
I'll let you all know if I ever manage to find it open - though that will almost inevitably be on a day I forget to bring a camera with me!
A little googling informs me that he only opens occasional Saturday mornings, and he is reputedly an eccentric character. All the more intriguing!