Large Format Lenses

Sorry that this is a bit rushed. I am travelling tomorrow but wanted to show the effect of focal length on bellows extension and field of view as I know @Hamish Gill is interested in a lens for portraiture for 5x4" on his MPP.

These were all shot at home in the bedroom and the only subject I could find I'm afraid was a nude - well actually a framed B&W print of one but I think I am safe with this in the main forum as it is far from clear! ;)

So, here are the three lenses compared (just 'cos they were in the bag). From left to right; Nikkor-SW 90mm f1:4.5 in a Copal 0 shutter; Rodenstock Apo-Sironar-S 150mm f1:5.6 in a Copal 0 shutter; Nikkor-T*ED 270mm f1:6.3 in a Copal 1 shutter. All mounted on Ebony / Linhof panels.


This is the camera with the 90mm mounted. No rise.


View on the screen.


This is the camera with the 150mm mounted. Small amount of rise on the front standard to bring the 'nude' to approximate centre.


View on the screen.


This is the camera with the 270mm mounted. More rise to the front standard to keep the 'nude' centred.


View on the screen.


The camera is an Ebony 45SU. Subject is about 3.5m from the camera.

Hope this makes some sort of sense.
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