Critique Welcomed Lith Print Tree

Shaun Haselden

Well-Known Member

This is a shot I took around 2004 whilst close to Ribblehead Viaduct. It is a tree growing out of a Limestone Pavement near to Ingleborough and was shot using Ilford FP4+ in a Bronica ETRSi fitted with a 40mm lens and a yellow/green filter. The film was developed using Paterson FX39 developer.

The final print was made onto Agfa Record Rapid chlorobromide paper which was developed using D163 formula developer.​
I think I should point out though that I now mimic the lith development technique using Photoshop CS2 as my time of slaving in a darkroom has at last come to an end. I have found a way to get just the right colour for a lith technique digitally and use that all of the time. It is of course totally predictable and a lot less messy.
For the future, I hope to buy a secondhand Bronica SQ and use it exclusively with Fuji Acros 100 developed in Paterson FX-39 for all of my remote places work. I live by the coast in Lincolnshire and have access to some very remote beaches in the east of England. Some of these places especially the old salt marshes have a wonderful, inspiring feel to them.