Look What Arrived Today...

Graeme Harvey

Well-Known Member
Just came through the post....tranceivers.jpg

So here are a couple of toes in the water....





Over to you.
TTL, radio, highly recommended and if they're as good as the flash gun, very good value. Got these for £56 inc postage off Amazon.

They do Canon and Nikon versions - that's the difference between the 622C and the 622N models.
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TTL, radio, highly recommended and if they're as good as the flash gun, very good value. Got these for £56 inc postage off Amazon.

They do Canon and Nikon versions - that's the difference between the 622C and the 622N models.
Thanks Graeme I'll have to look into this. I wonder if they do a sigma version? I use my canon 430EX 11 by using tape on some of the pins and off camera with a lead. But would like to get away from a lead altogether. Mmmmm more expense though.
Thanks Pete! Looking forward to getting to use them. Gonna have some fun. Haha