Looking for inspiration.

Grant Young

Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, hopefully this is the right place to be asking for this. I am looking for work by some still life artists that are more into the conceptual work and monotone schemes. There is a Spanish guy by the of Chema Madoz that I find absolutely amazing. I am looking for people similar in nature, but doing their own thing as well. I like typical still life work, but I'm looking for "artists" more than photographers I think. As if they are different...
Grant, I am not 100% clear on what you are after, but have you seen this site. 1x.com. Many fine manipulated images and still life. I find these types of images interesting now, where as I used to shun them. They are often very clever in what they do.
I think very different from Chema Madoz who is more to my own liking.

1x.com - Photos
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Looking at Madoz's work it is quite surreal so Surrealism would be a good place to start and, of course, Dali is an obvious artist to look into a bit. From another angle Edward Weston's work might be something you could look into. Traditional still life is very conceptual although it may not seem it at first. and the National Gallery's (london) website will have many images. Then there is people like Juan Gris, Cezanne and Van Gogh.

I will hazard a guess that almost all still life photographers work has, conceptual or not, has a root, even a tenuous one, in traditional still life. I hope this helps a little.
Although it may not be still life per se, I've considered some of Andrew Wyeth's work to be the kind of thing I would like to try to emulate photographically if I'm ever in the right place.
I'll research the names I don't recognize and continue learning about those I do. I like Chema's work because it is basic and clever. The still life aspect seems to just be the scale he works in, for lack of a better description. Thanks for the names, I'll be sure to dig into their works.