Mini Origami video.

Brodie Jackson

Well-Known Member
Just wanted to try out Windows Live Movie Maker.. Plus i was procratinating on Summarising Ancient history notes ;) Soo this was the result..
It's not very good quality but for the sake of giving movie maker a go I quite liked the program! very simple to use. going to keep making more hopefully improving on length, Quality etc.. hope you enjoy it anyhow :)

What a wonderful video!
what camera did you use?
How did you find putting the putting the images together in movie maker?

Ive added your channel as a friend on the RPF you tube channel as well as subscribing to you ...
i think if you accept my friendship and add me as a friend back that should fairly well link our accounts??
all a bit of a mystery to e really ...

why dont you stick a link in the video info to this thread so people could come here and read about it if they find it? :)
Thanks Hamish :)
Used the sony. This was my first ever, so i'm going to keep practicing.. hopefully improving little by little each time! haha.
ok awesome. Thats the first time i've ever uloaded anything to YouTube lol, so i dont really know how it hat side of stuff all works. but ill go on and have a geeze :)
and good idea, shall do that now ( well try.. ) haha. cheers!
Oh, putting the images into a move adding effects, music etc was very very simple! Basic editing and construction.. but for a place to start and get use to the whole thing, it was good :) (and free) ;)
I've done the last vids I've made on movie maker, but couldn't see how to do stop motion...
I guess you just add photos, but it's changing the time all photos are displayed as a frame that baffled me!
oh, you just highlight them all, so they all go into movie maker, then to get each fram to be short select them all and change the duration from 7seconds to how ever long you want.. I put mine to .2 of a second.. add any effects,writing, music, save it and Bobs your Uncle :)