Critique Welcomed Mokesh

We've seen this guy before, haven't we? A different shot, though. It's really well executed, Ivar. Wonderful and thoughtful pose.
Thanks Rob. I really was not sure and could not find that I had. So blame it on senility. Anyway, is there a remedy for seeing which pictures one has posted previously here or do I have to sort this out myself, withering as I am you know.
I don't know an easy way, Ivar. You can easily find the ones in the Showcase by hovering your mouse over your name on the top-right of the page, and choosing "Your Photos". But I don't think there is a way of locating ALL of your photos here. Maybe Pete or Hamish can clarify? @Pete Askew @Hamish Gill
Thank you for trying Rob. I think I know a way, therefore I scanned through a folder which contains these pictures and put those shown into another folder, named; done. Hopefully my recollection hasn't failed me. In that case I have you.
I've seen it before where you click on a members profile it gives you a link to that members gallery showing all the images that he/she has posted to the forum.
Thank you Tom, I'll try that one. It's kind of sad to tell everyone how an older man becomes a fruitcake you know:rolleyes:
I added blur on this one, but not on the other. This one is photographed with a 20mm 4/3 equipment. The other one a D700 and 50mm/f,1,8
I added blur on this one, but not on the other. This one is photographed with a 20mm 4/3 equipment. The other one a D700 and 50mm/f,1,8
Yes I meant this one Ivar. The reason I mention it is because when you look closely there is a slightly noticeable, but noticeable none the less, halo all around the man where I think selection had been applied.
Can you notice it on your monitor?
I notice it, but according to me, he has been uplifted to become a saint:) I'll see what I can do to bring him back down, the halo is not deserved as of yet. Thanks.
But Tom, I do not see it as grumpiness and I do appreciate that people see things I should have seen and therefore advice me in the right direction. In this case, if I choose to for instance exhibit this, such a feedback from a fellow photographer should always be appreciated and of vital information. If I should not accept and appreciate such a gesture, well then I would have nothing to do here, would I. ( Unfortunately I am a one who joke a little too much sometimes, so please do not take my previous answer too seriously ). My wife I tell you, struggles with this too.
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