More Business Travel

Paul Lange

More travelling means more hotels and this time in Cairo. Finding larger luxury hotels fairly soulless places I prefer to find local hotels and the Pearl Hotel did not disappoint, visually. I think a fair description would be to say it is a bit rundown but it had a clean bed and a working shower which is all I need really, and it was quite a step up from some places I have had to stay in before.

_DSC3789.jpg by Paul R Lange, on Flickr

_DSC3796.jpg by Paul R Lange, on Flickr

_DSC3798.jpg by Paul R Lange, on Flickr
Like these Paul , all three belong as a set, with qualities that are transferable. Cannot quite put words to why , but they do. Lovely tones that give a relaxed settled feel for myself.
That is all that is needed a clean quiet room.
I have to go along with Julian here as I too have travelled a bit previously in my work. So what you tell by images and text, is exactly what we kind of experience. Most of my friends back then envied me my exotic travels to romantic places. If only they had known.:)
I love these Paul. Your unique eye is fun to watch.
The one thing I really don't miss at all as a retiree...the glamorous travel that is only in the mind of those who aren't doing it.
A super set Paul and fine additions to the series. I like especially the way the muted tones flow across the images and, as has been noted, they do have a settled feel, particularly th first. And I love the pipes - it amazes me the ways that plumbers fit these things in the different hotels I have stayed in. I assume the person that fitted the spy-hole wasn't very tall! ;)