Multiblitz Studio flash

Bill Watts

Well-Known Member
I have a set of 3 Multiblitz Profilux 400's. These date from about 2006 when I purchased them new as a set with a number of accessories. They have served me well and travelled around the world to my various work locations, they also spent about 3 years in storage. However, I have got them out now and tested them - all working normally and fully functional.

With the demise of Multiblitz, they had been in the business for about 6 decades, obviously spare parts and service become a problem. Not averse to tackling the electronics myself I wondered if anybody had a schematic drawing of the Profilux 400 flash heads - just in case! note these are Profilux not Profilux Plus

Strangely on checking eBay I found second hand examples going for in excess of $500 for single heads! They cost about that when new!

Appreciate any help you may be able to give
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