My Glass i-Image of the Day for Sept 3, 2011: Quinlan Castle

Brian Moore


Birmingham Alabama, April 27 2011. The day of the twisters.

Built in 1927.

Vivitar PN2011 with flipped lens. Memories brand (Fuji) 200 ASA film.

I think the sky bodes ill; destruction later visited the area. See explanation in My Glass i.
Thanks Pete. For a while there I never left home without the flipped lens Vivi PN2011. I have a ton of photos taken with it, a few half-decent ones among 'em. It was always a bit of a mystery what would come out of it. I recently started carrying it around again, although I'm not shooting quite so indiscriminately with it as I once did.
Thanks Hamish. They're quite common here in the US, and cheap, too. You can get them on E-bay. I have two now. The first one I got as a giveaway through the Film Photography Podcast. The 2nd a buddy sold to me for $2.00. (I think he picked it up at a Salvation Army shop.) One I flipped the lens; the other I removed the lens and made it a pinhole.

Since you expressed an interest camera mods I just posted a pinhole image to the "Photos Taken With" forum.