My Glass i image of the day: The Long Driveway

Brian Moore


It's the long driveway off Anaheim Street into Recreation Park Golf Course in Long Beach California. Recreation Park Golf Course dates from the 1920s and this stretch of driveway, which I think may no longer be used, has in my opinion a 1920s Southern California vibe. Shot with a Rolleiflex Twin Lens Reflex, using expired Fuji Pro 400H color film cross-processed in Rodinal (RO9) 1-100 for 60 minutes.
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Dont forget yo link to your site mate!
Great stuff mate!
I ordered some of this RO9 stuff and will be trying out your methods in due course ;)
I had uploaded those to the blog from Flickr. I deleted those images from Flickr this morning. (Flickr allows you 200 images unless you pay for an account. I go in now and again and delete images that don't seem to be getting a lot of views and this way I stay within the 200. It keeps my photostream a little more fresh, too.) I don't upload via Flickr anymore just for this reason.

Anyway, thank you Hamish. I'll add those images back into the blog.
I just use photobucket ... I have thousands of images on it
We are also looking at building a way for members to host on photobucket but have a more pretty front end to it ...
I'll keep you posted on that if you like...
Thanks, Hamish. I think I have a photobucket account but I've never used it. (I think I signed up when I started posting to RPF. But like I said, never used it.) Yes,...please do keep me posted.