Brian Moore

When I left work Friday night I knew right away I had blown it. The sunset was spectacular but I had left too late to catch the spectacle from any kind of half decent vantage point. I resolved, however, to make my way up to the top of Signal Hill to catch any decent shots I could of the gloaming.
I had with me my FED 5b. It's been a while since I used it so I didn't remember what film was in it. However, it appeared that only 6 shots were used up and I wanted to finish whatever film was in it. I resolved to assume 200 ASA and estimate exposures from there.
I must tell you, even if I do say so myself, I composed and snapped many wonderful images with the FED of the sun's dying embers and the clouds in the gloaming light. Then I realized something. Either I was shooting a 43 exposure roll, or I didn't actually have any film in the camera! I struggled with this thought momentarily before succumbing to the inevitable and crushing truth.
In the car I had the XA, however. And a roll of old film--apparently unused--that I had pilfered out of an old camera in a junk shop. No idea how old the film was, or if it was any good or even if it was unused. But I loaded it in the XA and started snapping away. The above image is a result.
By the way, it was darker in real life than the picture suggests.
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