my glass i spotted: A Couple Relaxing Near the Pier

Brian Moore


I took this shot in Redondo Beach, California with my Voigtlander Bessa, and Kodak BW400CN film (expired). I cross-processed the film in Rodinal at 1:100 for 60 minutes using a "semi-stand" development technique.
I was just wondering if the tree was at that angle before she leaned on it but then I spotted the second!! ;) The cross processing has had a really interesting effect on the tones hasn't it. Is that an OoF element on the left or an artifact of processing?
Pete,...LOL! (Maybe he had leaned against the other for a moment!)

And yes, the effect of x-pro has had an interesting effect. Just to give you an idea, the foliage of that cypress tree in the foreground is a deep green/blue. The bin just to the right of the car is royal blue, and the lettering on the sign above the restaurant on the pier is red.

As to the Oof element on the left, I believe we have a combination of issues going on. The dark on the left that reaches from the horizon to the bottom of the pic is a processing issue. I sometimes get it when I process 120. You can see a semi-circle of the same near the bottom center of the image. (It doesn't happen when I process 35mm.)

That lighter area on the left I'm not sure about. I don't think it's flare. I've shot and processed two rolls from the Bessa. Each roll had one image with a bright artifact on the left. (The other image with it is below.) I think I will dig out the negs from the two rolls and check the number of each of these images. If both are the same number it might be a result of loading/unloading the film.

Thanks Pete.
