New web site?

Lesley Jones

Otherwise know as Zooey
It's all the fault of this forum. I've taken more photographs this year than at any other time and my poor web site hasn't been updated for ages. Now I'm happy with the current site as the templates work well and I do actually enjoy tinkering with the code. I customised everything on this particular version and that's quite important to me. I've also spent ages typing up my funny little stories and finding a quote to go with every single image. On the one hand that's how I like it and I'm prepared to spend the necessary time. However, adding new images is a right pain as if I don't fill an entire page, then those not used have to be coded in and out. Either that, or delete what I don't need and struggle to put it back again properly later when I add another one. There's also the problem of mixing and matching images and really, once they are placed it's almost impossible to move them around.

The site has had a rebuild, but that hasn't been uploaded yet and in fact, until I can get on top of my back log, that isn't likely to happen for some time. The sales have been stripped out and I've put 20 images per page rather than 12 so the menu doesn't get too long. It's still a pain to keep up to date though.

Today I found a link to Jalbum and I guess that's the sort of thing most people are doing these days. It looks as though you can still have an album with sub albums and the skins seems to have different styles, or you can customise them yourself. I'm guessing the images can be added/moved quickly and at least one skin I looked at seems to have a description box - although how much you can type, I don't know.

I'm now on my 5th web site. They are purely for me and I enjoy the design part almost as much as the photography. Originally I built them by hand with code, although I am a complete novice. There has always been some silly glitch that I didn't see in the beginning and I've had to go to extraordinary lengths to get round the problem. The AllWebCodesign template is one of the best though and I would be sad to let it go.

I was just wondering what you thought and have you heard anything about Jalbum in particular? I'll admit that I haven't looked into how the images are resized or indeed, how you sharpen an image that is going to be displayed at many different sizes. It would save me an awful lot of work though and I'm very tempted...
JAlbum looks good. Haven't used it myself, but might. I currently use WordPress for non-photography stuff, and have not been happy with Flickr's presentation. I might experiment with JAlbum - looks easy enough, and is free for many templates.
Cheers Rob! Reviews seem to say it is quick, easy and very versatile, but it's going to take a while to get my head around it. I can do a fair bit with code and yet I'm not familiar with most technology. I don't use a mobile phone and I avoid Facebook and Twitter like the plague. A lot of the terms are unknown to me and I can't visualise where to go with it. That's why I liked the template so much - the format is there and I was free to tinker with the rest :)
i used jalbum for a year before i switched to zenfolio. jalbum was great if you just want to show photos and stories, but i wanted a bit more than that. it worked great and was possible to do everything i wanted to do with jalbum, but i had to write in the code myself. keep in mind this was a 2006 and i haven't looked at jalbum since.
Often I check out CNET's opinion on electronic stuff or downloads. They don't have an in depth review, but they do like Jalbum.