...next stop, Calgary.

Douglas McMann

Well-Known Member
Out for our New Year walk on a rather dull, overcast day when we spotted this "bird" high overhead...

I got to thinking, who was on the plane, why were they travelling, where had they been, where were they going, and were they even faintly aware that I was watching them...???

A quick squint at the 'net on our return proved it to be an Air Canada Boeing 777 on route from Frankfurt to Calgary...

Taken with a very cheap Kodak 80-210 zoom which used to belong to my Dad. I think it's a rebadged Tokina.

...next stop, Calgary... by Douglas McMann, on Flickr
That's good Dougie. How did you identify the plane and its destination? I mean, I guess it can all be googled and guessed at based on time and location, but is there an app or website that gives some kind of positive ID?
Brian...see an aircraft pass overhead....???...check out http://www.flightradar24.com/ and it will show what it is, who it belongs to, where it been, flight path and where it's heading.....and you can follow it in real time....simples...;)