Nice travel photo blog

Steve Boykin

Well-Known Member
I got this off another site. There are some interesting photos.

Yomadic - Travel

I particularly like the shot captioned:

"True story – I was standing in my underwear when I took this photo of Larissa."

It's under Kotor, Montenegro.

The premise behind the blog is:

"My name is Nate Robert, and I have been travelling around the world for just on a year (so far) - with a single camera, and a single lens – the Fuji X-PRO1 with the 18mm. I’m a photojournalist from Australia, and I think your readers would get a kick out of my blog – Yomadic - Travel, where every single photo I take, is with the same Fuji combination – and has been with me through three continents – from the panoramic views of New Zealand, to the streets of Tehran in Iran, and many places in between."