Night in Venice

And in one of the wider streets...


Sony RX100 + a lot of PP in LR, PS, Nik ColorFX and Nik SilverFX!
(sigh) I can no longer see anything from you Pete and Beth or Dave. I used to comment in my lunch break, but I don't get time at home. We didn't finish the animals until 9.00 last night and then I had to wash my hair. I feel as though I'm missing out on wonderful things. Actually... I know I'm missing out :(
I love the diffused glow from that lamp, Pete, as well as the bright bits of reflection off the pavement and the soft focus all round. Lovely image!
More fuzzy , grainy fantastiness Pete. Lately I have been thinking how I might get people to look like an approximation of a Giacomettti sculpture. This has got the inklings of this which is why I like it so much.