Not Sure

Vic Shaw

Senior Member
Not to sure about this one, processed it several times over the years and I think this is about as good as it gets.


I find it a little intriguing in a way, I spent a bit of time scanning it for small details. I like the way her shadow lines up with her route to the stone and her billowing robes, burka, cloak or whatever it is. What is the thing on the tall post, are they becons? There are some dotted round where I live.
I like the composition and content a lot Vic (especially the relation of the figure and the beacon). My guess is that you have gone for a murk, slightly oppressive look deliberately but somehow, for me, it's not quite working. And I suspect it's the foreground especially to the right. Maybe letting a bit more light and contrast into that area. I'm also a tiny bit distracted by the horizon and the angle formed with the cloud - it seems to create a sloped impression.

What about something like this?


I used a CP to up the contrast and shift the colours then a gradient from bottom right to top left (and an adjustment mast) and dodged mid-tones and highlights a bit.
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Thanks guys, I did go for a high contrast look at one stage Pete but became a little obsessed with keeping the detail in the clouds but I like your edit a lot it had a nice feel to it, I may go back and try again ( you know that means I wont) but this ones been kicking about for about two years now so another couple wont hurt.

Paul it's a beacon on the south downs somewhere, we was on a fanily trip down the coast a few years back and on the way back just happened to stop of at this point when this woman appeared and made her way to the beacon, i followed her and took some shots, although she kept moving out the way thinking I didn't want her in the shot!
