Yes, it’s a very good cumulative look at a lifestyle that is looking increasingly old fashioned. The wallpaper alone speaks of another age. I say cumulative as the more images you add, the more we get a feel for the age and the people who lived there, which is much better than just a single shot.
Your processed colouration interests me more in that it says a lot about your relationship with the rooms and the people who lived in them, as if you are attempting to make them more evocative to an ‘outsider’ - yourself as well as us - and as if you are trying to come to terms with the psychology of being the outsider, a way of getting some control over your experience. There’s a distance here that you are finding hard to cross, so have sought a way engage with it without attempting to become part of it. The images are as much about you as of their content and the people who lived there. Arguably they are more about you.
Or something like that?