On the Road

A whole long rectangular room was dedicated to the exhibition.
Upon entering the British Library it is the first exhibition.

I had heard of the "Beat" generation yet prior to this and the film Howl (James Franciso played Allen Ginsberg) i handn't really considered.
The last verses of Howl made it for me as even though the poem says much about abuse, anger, despair, hurt, loneliness, Allen also recognises the Oneness of everything and their inherent holiness (which is so difficult to comprehend given child abuse, children's murders, cruelty to animals).

The Road is a similar discovery of Oneness (which is really hard to implement in a practical way in day to day life).

Karouac & Ginsberg had Neal Cassidy as a muse (if i recall correctly, i may be wrong). I found this intriguing as Rumi also had a male as his muse .... Shams-i- Tabriz.