One body

Wow... I feel a real sense of anguish from the poor fella who's lost his lower half! Weirdly, I also feel like it could almost be a scene from some movie... maybe a Marvel blockbuster?... where someone was suddenly turned into stone. But may revert at any moment!
Today I visited the laboratory of a local sculptor, Ettore Greco, but I was not thinking of him when I posted this picture.
I love how the right-hand torso is fighting against his confinement: the Human Condition is the same for Supers. As for the guy on the left, I just don’t know what to say about him.

I think you’ve done as well as you could have, Gianluca, given the scene. It’s hard to say something with the ‘found’ arrangement.
A thought provoking shot, Gianluca.
Prometheous struggling to break free as his nether regions are slowly being consumed?
Or Dr Frankenstein's laboratory? The subtitle of the book is 'A Modern Prometheous' after all.
It's all we have.
I can't imagine having two... it'd be weird! All comments above are better than mine. I confess that as far as sculpture goes, I prefer the polished marble of Michelangelo as opposed to the abstract torsos that I saw at the Nasher Sculpture Garden back in April.
I have to tell you the truth about this photo at this point, but you have to be patient because I have to digress a bit.
It is not a photo I particularly like, and even the artist working in this laboratory (who is a very good sculptor) does not meet my personal taste.

But it just so happened that yesterday I was riding my bicycle across town to go photograph another sculpture, by another artist, and along the way I see a storefront obscured by plastic sheeting with a couple of strange sculptures outside and I stop in curiosity. I peer through a slit between the plastic sheeting and see this thing inside. The workshop looked abandoned, there is a strong reflection from the sunlight on the glass, and dust from chalk and stone, and I have to shade with my hat to be able to peer into the darkness inside the room. With one hand I hold the hat for shade and with the other I shoot.

It then seemed to me, as I looked at the photo, that I was catching a very physical human suffering, it reminded me of something, and it seemed to me that that human being on the right in the photo - a prisoner in the cage of his illness - was desperately trying to reunite with his body, or rather with the wholeness of his body.

Who has not suffered sooner or later in his life such a painful tear apart?

I warned you that I would be dispersive in my explanation.