Gorgeous Steve. I've been thinking about what Hamish said and not getting a Holga as it would change your style. I think he is right. The Holga imposes a certain aesthetic. But you don't need that. You have one already. And it's damn fine!
Gorgeous Steve. I've been thinking about what Hamish said and not getting a Holga as it would change your style. I think he is right. The Holga imposes a certain aesthetic. But you don't need that. You have one already. And it's damn fine!
What limitations? I was kind of intrigued by the photos I saw taken with this camera. I think it might work better as a B/W camera but I'm probably the last person that should be making that kind of sweeping statement. I read a little about them. They only have one shutter speed?
I am loving the square. It kind imposes a certain order on you. I really want to get a square camera. It will be a little while before I can afford one of the better ones. I'm still paying off the IRS. So what do you think, should I just wait and shoot the X100 as a square or go with a cheaper MF one? If I waited until next year I could get one of those nice ones like the Hasselblad. I'm still confused about the focal lengths. I like (in 35mm equivalents) in this order- 35mm, 28mm, 50mm, 24mm. I don't know if that makes sense or not. I could be perfectly happy with the FOV (is that the correct expression) with the X100. I find it's perfect for most things.
I really appreciate your advice Pete, Brian, Hamish, Rob, Chris..well everyone who has pitched in here. I realize I'm dumber than a sack full of hammers on some of this stuff, but it will sink in eventually.