Not playing with the Lego, wrestling with the camera.
That quote is historical.
Lloyd George, the British PM said of Eamon Devalera, the Irish PM..
"Negotiating with Mr.DeValera is like trying to pick up mercury with a fork"
DeValera said, when told about this
"I suggest that Mr.Lloyd George try a spoon"
Lovely shot Gary ............. I know what you mean............ I've tried everything to get a decent shot of my 2 year old granddaughter ............ Just when Ithink I've got the shot ......... There she is gone
I don't just like it - I love it! The colouring is wonderful and that strand of hair stops it being too perfect (if you know what I mean). Have you tried glueing her to the floor?
i don't understand, she was playing with legos and you interrupted and still got a smile? that just doesn't happen around our house. you just don't interrupt lego time. nice portrait work.
I've considered gluing kids to the floor. What works when they're older (I did it with my own children, the youngest of whom is now 32) is to pay them to pose!!