Pieces of eight, pieces of eight

There are more questions than answers in this picture. It is enigmatic. Perhaps because I am not a native English speaker, the meaning of the title is not clear to me.
There are more questions than answers in this picture. It is enigmatic. Perhaps because I am not a native English speaker, the meaning of the title is not clear to me.
Sorry Gianluca, it is a bit convoluted. They are dressed like pirates of the 18th century. Pirates steal treasure. One of the silver coins types that were around at the time was the Spanish silver dollar or "piece of eight" a coin worth 8 reals. Stay with me.. pirates are apochraphally known to have talking parrots, and one of the regular comedic interpretations of this trend has the parrot screeching pieces of eight, pieces of eight.
It's a British thing!
Sorry Gianluca, it is a bit convoluted. They are dressed like pirates of the 18th century. Pirates steal treasure. One of the silver coins types that were around at the time was the Spanish silver dollar or "piece of eight" a coin worth 8 reals. Stay with me.. pirates are apochraphally known to have talking parrots, and one of the regular comedic interpretations of this trend has the parrot screeching pieces of eight, pieces of eight.
It's a British thing!

Oh... now it's all clear, thank you. Long John Silver, ex-parrots and the whole crew. :)